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Dedicated to the MacThoys
who have gone before us. . . .

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Madge Diver -- 1692 A.D. - 1724 A.D. -- Widow, Queen of the Debauchers

Misty Oopoonia--?--Widow, owner of the Spread Eagle, a Publick House & Bordello

Myrth MacThoi--1702? A.D.-1738?A.D. A Notorious Offender


Phryne--Widow 4 B.C.

Born Boeotia Thespiae, a famous Greek courtesan.  She was called "Phryne," the Greek word for "Toad" due to her sallow complexion.

She offered to rebuild the walls of Thebes if the words "destroyed by Alexander, restored by Phryne the Courtesan" be inscribed on them.

She modeled for many sculptors, but is perhaps most famous for being accused accused of profaning religious rites, a capital offense.  She showed the court her breasts and was promptly acquitted.

She was most remarkable for the Elasticity of her parts, and a certain Spring in her Motion, which endangered the Rider; But somewhat mercenary in Abatement of her other amiable Qualities.
--Captain Charles Walker

Pope Libertine

Pope Sott--Widow


Rufus the Light-Fingered -terror of the Creatures of the Dark.


Sally Salisbury-- Widow, 1600s A.D. One of the most famous ladies of the night of her generation. 

. . .who with an inflexible constancy & inimitable uniformity of life, persisted in spite of age & infirmities, the practice of every human vice.
--Samuel Johnson?

Stories of her life were complied by Captain Charles Walker in the text Authentik Memoris of the Life Intrigues & Adventures of the Celebrated Sally Salisbury.  She ran away from the mistress she was apprenticed to and ended up enrolled in a "vaulting academy."  She claimed to dedicate her life to being the best of her trade and by her reputation she succeeded at that.  She also delighted in pranks, draining her suitors of their last shilling and leading a merry life. 

Sweyn the Earl-- AD 1050went to Denmark


Tamara Dea MacThoy-- Widow, 1300s A.D. Ordered the construction of the Barley Stein.  And a participant in the Night of the 1000 Longnecks.

She is one of the most famous of the Widows with the appellation Dea in her name.


Thais--Widow, 4 B.C.--Greek Courtesan
A Greek courtesan who traveled with the Army of Alexander the Great during his invasion of Persia.

While in attendance at a drunken revel, she suggested to Alexander that he set fire to Persepolis the capital of Achaemenian.  This he did.

She loved to associate chiefly with Rakes, and affected Masculine Pleasures:  She would make a Party at a drinking Match, and Loved a midnight Revel at her Soul.
--Captain Charles Walker

Thorgrim Looseeker MacThoy--?-1175 A.D. A Merchant Marine during the Crusades

Tryphaina Dea--1500? A.D.  Captain of the Virtuous Whore

Captain of the Virtuous Whore, a vessel believed to have transported the MacThois to the Pirate Island which hosts Fugmore Bay.


Wanda Peach-- 1612- 1640 A.D.-- Former Pilgrim

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Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006