
of Fools
During the first
part of the 1500s, it came to pass that the MacThoy wore out their
welcome with the populace of Paris. Having destroyed the
vineyards and quaffed the grape, they were oft times found picking
their teeth in the city squares wondering how next to occupy their
On one august
day, the city officials landed on the gluttons and in a thrice they
found themselves aboard a sea-going vessel headed for parts unknown.
This act
by the
city officials was not unknown. It was a common solution of
the day to deal with madmen. This boatload of lunatics gave
rise to the image of a Ship of Fools.
Aboard this
particular vessel was the Widow Tryphaina Dea MacThoy. She rallied
her family and led them in fresh dispute with their captors.
In short taking possession of the ship and putting its original crew
They dubbed
their ship the Virtuous Whore, and by popular vote set sail
for warmer climes taking them to the south seas.
(It is
believe by many MacThoy scholars that this generous donation of ship
and victuals on the part of the French government enabled the Clan to
start the pirate colony of Fugmore Bay.--ed)