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Code of Hammurabi

I, Hammurabi, the perfect king, was not careless or neglectful of the people whom Enlil presented me and whose shepherding Marduk had committed to me; drove the Troublesome Ones (Mochthoi) out of the wine and sacred granaries (Beer Gardens??)--Code of Hammurabi ca 1792-1750 BCE

The Code of Hammurabi also demanded the death penalty on a proprietor who diluted his beer.



They are the filthiest of God's creatures
. . . They build big houses of wood on the shore, each holding ten to twenty persons. . . .When [their] ships come to this mooring place, everybody goes ashore with bread, meat, . . ., and intoxicating drink and betakes himself to a long upright piece of wood that has a face like a man's and is surrounded by little figures. .
.(the latter is undoubtedly a reference to Tuk Tuk Naani-- ed)
--Risala by Ibn Fadlan 921 C.E.

Proclamation of Henry VIII


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Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006