1 April, 1545

. . . .The Kings most Excellent Maiestie, considering, how by tolleracion of such dissolute and miserable persons, haue byne suffered to dwell besides London and elles where in Common open places, called the MacThoes, and there without punishment or Correccion, exercise their abhominable and detestable synne, there hath of late encreased and growne such enormities, as to not only provoke Corrupcion amoung the people as tendeth to the intollerable annoyance of the Common wealth, and where not only the youth is provoked, inticed and allowed to execute the fleshly lust, but alsoe by such assemblies of euill disposed persons haunted and Conspire how to spoyle and robb the true labouring and well disposed men; For thes Consideracions, his Maiestie straightlie chargeth and Commaundeth that all such persons as haue accustomed most abhominably to abuse their bodies, contrary to Gods law and honestie in any such place-- thos called MacThoes : Doe before the feaste of Beltaine next comyng resort incontinently to their naturall Countries with their bagges and baggages vpon paine of ymprisonment, and further to be punished at the Kings maiesties will and 
pleasure;. . ..

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Ivan Lair of the Northwest Hellcats Clan Customs

Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006