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Privy Council

Certayn Lewde Persons who the last Night dyd vearye disorderlye disguyse them selves and went up and down the street in the Borough of Sowthworke allmost Starke Naked, with Theyre Swordes drawen in Theyre Hands, makinge greate noyses, shootinges and cryeinges to the great Disquyetinge of the Inhabytantes theare, being then most of them Atreste
--from the reports of the Privy Council in London, October 1582.

The MacThoys have inhabited the the bastard sanctuaries, The Clink where the Witta MacThoys-- as they are oft wont to be called for their whetting of men's base appetites-- serve for resort and refuge for masterles men and other idle and evill dispozed persons, thence to perform upon them acts of cozenages, thefts and other dishonest conversacions.--the Privy Council in London 1608.

Deadwood, SD

The man who ventured to remark that a fool and his money are soon parted must have had in his mind's eye some place such as (Deadwood). . . .The 'tenderfoot' is here brought face to face with . . .the slick confidence man, the claim jumper, the land shark and the desperado.--  The New York Times, August 13, 1877


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Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006