Lewde Persons who the last Night dyd vearye disorderlye disguyse them selves and went up
and down the street in the Borough of Sowthworke allmost Starke Naked, with Theyre Swordes drawen in
Theyre Hands, makinge greate noyses, shootinges and cryeinges to the great Disquyetinge of
the Inhabytantes theare, being then most of them Atreste
--from the reports of the Privy Council in London, October 1582.
MacThoys have inhabited the the bastard sanctuaries, The Clink where
the Witta MacThoys-- as they are oft wont to be called for their
whetting of men's base appetites-- serve for resort and refuge for
masterles men and other idle and evill dispozed persons, thence to
perform upon them acts of cozenages, thefts and other dishonest
conversacions.--the Privy Council in London 1608.