I MacThoy
8:12--Watch and Pray that you may have the opportunity to enter into
II MacThoy 3:9
-- Rejoicing in Hops, Impatient in Imbibitions, Persevering in
Libations 3:4
-- The Alchemist spake saying, "Verily, if ye don't remember
committing the Sin, God has already Forgiven you, with the Gift of
Blissful Blackout."
Avarice 5:2 --
If I distribute all of my Goods to feed the Poor, it Profits me
Lust 3:10 --
While we have Time, let us do all Good Men.
II 6:8 -- Neither horn they upheld nor handed me bread. I
fell to the ground and cried aloud.
2:2 -- He that hath a Baleful
Eye knoweth not the want that shall come upon him.
about the Discovery of the Dead
Keg Scrolls.