of the debauches made its way to the Byzantine emperor Alexius I
No doubt irked at the slight of not being invited, the emperor
sent word to Europe that the Laird of
the MacThoys had toasted the Turkish sultan's health with the Drinking Horn
of Odin (See
Vikings Section.)
Normans' (descendants of the Norse) reacted much the way
the emperor had anticipated. They immediately
made plans to reclaim the Horn
and restore the honor of Eric the Red's descendants. Leveler
heads pointed out that the Saxons would never
march off to battle for a beer mug.
these reasons, the Council of Clermont was
assembled by Pope Urban II in November of
1095. He demanded that they recover the
Holy artifact, a grail which had been recently
rediscovered. And while they were
at it, to save the Holy Land.
Peter the Hermit
dubbed the
Drinking Horn a "holy
grail." The Hermit traveled Europe,
whipping up the masses for conflict. It
was thus that the Crusades were begun in

about the word Casket,
which came into use during the Crusades.
about Thorgrim Looseeker
MacThoy, a sailor traveling in the 1170s.

MacThoy has
also been suspected of being involved in the Shroud of Turin Hoax. And whether or
not it really was faked, its association with the Clan has
guaranteed it a place in the Humbug arena.
The Shroud was discovered in 1354 by the famed knight Geoffroi de
Charnag. |