When the
abandons a
host, tho' hangover free, they bear the telltale mark of possession, the Baleful Eye.
woefully blood shoot orb is the only evidence of the debauch the proceeding
adorn their
encampments with the Baleful Eye in the hopes of warding
off the Guzzlewhomper, by
implying another 'whomper had been and gone and
left no beer behind.
The Guzzlewhomper
and, by default, the Baleful Eye, is the predecessor
of the Evil Eye. Archaeological
finds of the Baleful Eye have been dated by Thorgrim
Laboratories back to the Paleolithic age.
The design has been identified on a variety of
objects, ranging from wine goblets to cod pieces.
Baleful Eye also has a reputation also as a bad
luck charm. It was thought to impede Mojo
(better known as Monkey Luv)-- which is believed to
give rise (no pun intended) to tales of the MacThoi
Widows killing stare.
scholars believe that the digitus
impudicus became a sign of defiance through
its show of virility in the face of the Baleful
with incantations, she invoked the Spirits
of Death, the swift hounds of Hades who
feed on souls and haunt the lower air to
pounce on living men . . . .She steeled
herself with their malignity and bewitched
the eyes of Talos with the evil in her
own. She flung at him the full force of
her malevolence, and in an ecstasy of rage
she plied him with images of death.--Apollonius
of Rhodes writing on Medea. |
Laughter is
best defense for the Baleful Eye. Mooning has also
been known to break the spell. The Baleful Eye
was placed on jewelry and homes in the belief the artificial
would displace an attack from the real one, similar
to a Star Wars defense.
Other defenses
against the Baleful Eye seen adorning MacThoi
environs include, the
Crest (the Digitus Impudicus), and a rendering
of the Barley