jest's prosperity lies in the Ear of him that hears
it, never in the tongue of him that makes
it.--William Shakespeare
Oral Tradition
has a rich oral tradition, due to the fact that many of their members were troubadours and bards. They also felt that writing
was a monumental waste of time.
There are references to two
MacThoy bards: Kilsa the
Off-key, the first Widow MacThoy to
achieve operatic fame, and Rufus the
Light-Finger. It
was originally thought that Rufus earned this nick-name for his skill
with the lute but history has disproved this theory.
are hard at work to collect and edit these
bits of history into a comprehensive and
well documents thesis of information which
will be the Web Site MacThoy.
Rogue's Gallery
is being complied, as well as Tales to
Besot, a collection of the myths and legends.
Groovella MacThoy currently collects information on
his namesake, the famous
Ms Manners of the Dark Ages, Groovella
and her Proverbials.
Work is being done also on
Origins as the MacThoy have left no part of world culture
untouched, going so far as to even effect the development of
Reader may also study the
History of the
Clan Crest & that of the