These being a collection of useful tips and sage advice from the Widow
Groovella to her daughter on the occasion of her daughter's forthcoming entrance into proper society.
is an excerpt:
Take ye not for a husband thine neighbor's man, nor the husband-to-be of thine good
friend, for such are the ways of a harlot. Nor take ye a parson's son, nor the son of a
moneylender, or a tanner, or blacksmith, or any others of low birth for they are dull and smelly
and noisome to mine eyes. And marry ye not for love of money, unless thy husband is a sweet old
man with a heart condition, or fondness for long trips to faraway lands, or unfortunate
predisposal for hunting accidents.
advice is still treasured and oft referred to by Clan
Members and most especially the Clan Den Mother.
advice has been faithfully dispersed through these
pages, that the Reader might learn from her wisdom.