And if thy husband, heavens preserve him, should meet an
untimely end, then honor his memory and do not gloat overmuch to thy fellow widows. No matter
the size of his bequeathment. --Proverbs
about the
MacThoy Burial discovered at the
Burrow Digs. |
in a Beer Mug or
the Great Keg of Death
MacThoy interred their relations in the earth
and placed stone markers over the grave to form
an upended drinking stein reminiscent of the
Great Keg of Death.
They believe that all the alcohol spilled in a lifetime was
collected in this Great Keg. Upon passage to the underworld, the
deceased would find himself before
Tuk' Tuk' Naani
and the Keg of
spilt spirits. Tuk' would plunge the
deceased headfirst
into the aforementioned barrel. The expired had to consume all the
alcohol or drown.
Success meant passage to
Tuk's tiki hut where the götterdämmerung
of debauches was held and failure would find him cursed to roam the land as a
Guzzle Whomper.