Is that a Beer I see before me?


What's that?  You want to buy the Clan a round?  How very kind.  You know we don't drink MUCH.


Here's how to Contact the Clan MacThoy up-close and personal, like, just send us an e-mail to the MacThoy near you and offer to buy a round.

Raven Bootchucker

Absentia's Welcoming Committee is based out of  the Emerald City of Seattle, WA.


Head Bear of the Everlasting Vain-Glorious and Modest Fortress of the Armored Bear Regional Office of Liquor Trading, Trinket Obtainment, and Visitor Rest Stop for the Clan MacThoy and Friends based out of S.F., CA--affectionately known as Boys Town.

Halpo Van Rabid

Creptio Matera's Welcoming Committee is based out of  Houston, TX.

Piotr Radish

The Wandering MacThoy.  Last reported  Downunder, find him, buy him a beer.

Killian Flynn MacThoy

 The Northern Reaches Welcoming Committee is based out of Moscow, ID.


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the MacThoi Keep
Ivan Lair of the Northwest Hellcats Welcome

Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: October 01, 2005