medieval method of
Contraception was to
surround a Widow with monks. This oftentimes failed, as it
is difficult to distinguish monks from the Clerics of Luv.

Recruitment branch of the Clan MacThoy, the Clerics of Luv spent
years of intense study perfecting many techniques such as the
Widow's Welcome, and studies in the Courtly Art of Luv.
Founded by
Arthorgrim the Scintillating, the Clerics have survived over the
centuries managing to evade the Puritan Purges of the 1600.
The trademark nocturnal visit by a Cleric
included a blessing with the Mace of Luv, followed by a fierce melvining before the Cleric
bounded out the window to seek a new conquest. This act was
known as the Seal and was considered a holy act of faith. Legend has it
that Don Juan studied with them for some time in in his youth, but
was ejected from the Order for his failure to properly apply the
Seal in the proscribed manner.
They are also believed
to have inspired the Family of Love a 1500s church, who subscribed
to the idea that heaven is found when men are merry and hell is
the presence of grief and pain.
There has been considerable debate
over which section of the Clan history the Clerics belong in;
the history pages or here in myths and legends. This
due in no small part to certain MacThoy scholars advocating the
notion that the Clerics possessed mystical power in the realm of
telekinesis (not excluding Distance Widow Welcoming and the Rite
of the Fiery Winds). While
greater minds than the site editorial staff wrangle with
this issue, it has been decided to place the bulk of the Clerics
story here and await a decision from more learned personages.
sate the Reader's curiosity, we have included an excerpt from the
"inciting" paper and the rebuttal it conceived.
"And if ye take unto you a
maiden of most courteous meign and fair visage, then do ye also
place upon her the Seal when thou hast finished thy
ministrations. Set the Sash upon her thigh that you might
administer that most Holy Rite. If thy God in Heaven be smiling
onto thee, then thou mayst administer the Welcome though in
Spirit it be."
--"Cirque du Yanque Rites and Practices" Scroll
11, Section 2

Clearly, this mention of the
administering of a Widow's Welcome by proxy (Spirit) is an
indication of the level of mystic powers the Clerics of Luv had
attained during their heyday. That they could perform this act without
the Widow being present is perhaps the most fascinating, and
pervasive of the mythologies surrounding these men. We have
evidence from younger scribes in the order, that the elders would
often partake of a ceremony in which a great quantity of the
ritual wine was drunk, and then a host of them would begin to
"speak in the tongues of our ancestors, lo and they did
babble and make a great sound[1].
then a great solemnity would fall over them as they did reveal the
Holy Fundament of W_____, and with it, perform the Rite of the
Welcoming to it. And we were taken up with the spirit and thus did
the Rite come to pass on she who's Fundament had been used
This brief passage demonstrates both the general form of the Rite
by Proxy, and its effects. We can only imagine the confusion felt
by its
recipient as she received the Welcome from one not present. It is
not clear whether this was a common event, or a more infrequent
[1] Elder Eric
Caanum, "Reflections on my Youth -- Being the Story of a
Cleric of Luv"
-- Lars Bingamm, PhD., Oslo University, pg 212, "MacThoy
History-- A Seriological Interpretation of the Clerics of Luv and
* * *
isn't some fantasy role-playing game, we aren't playing magick
fairy princesses here. This is history we're documenting, and I'll
be DAMNED if I contribute to the falsification thereof with
primitive superstitions about magical 'powers' these clerics are
supposed to have had. Not only was there no first-hand accounts
available, but the sheer silliness of it all is beyond belief. I
exhort my colleagues to give up this foolish quest for attributing
supernatural causes to an entirely explicable apocryphal account.
That the Clerics of Luv existed we have no doubt, but to render
unto them semi-godlike powers just because of their *supposed*
prowess in the bedchamber is both an affront to the field of
archaeology, and a practice worthy of censure.
-- Professor Edmund Elworth, PhD. Northmund College, pg 127
"Historical Interpretations of
MacThoy Lay Clergy -- An
Interpretation of the 'Cirque du Yanque' Scrolls" |