Creptio Matera on the Map 1/8/02
Halpo Van Rabid announced the
MacThoy pirate enclave of Creptio Matera
is now at 11 members.
In other gossip, the Fools' Feast
has come and gone. Gryph journeyed
all the way up from his Fortress to the
fete. Others there included Maria,
Killian, Pokedea, Kali Mari, Father Ben,
Hellouise, Owl, Duck & the Siren.
Cabbagehead was in the Northern Reaches
the previous weekend but had to return
to Absentia.
Oscar's B-day 1/10/02
There was some doubt that Oscar
would make it to her own surprise
birthday party but she quelled the
nay-sayers and arrived with her
cold held at bay by liberal
amounts of various meds.
Oscar premiered an exclusive CD
fresh out of the mail from Bandy Legs'--
The best fuckin album cover ever
seen! in this writer's opinion.
bandy should print them up at REAL album
Kali Mari managed to get herself
in another cat fight but it was over as
quick as it begun.
Moicha & Thorgrim Wedding 1/27/02
The Widow Moicha Turpis and
Thorgrim MacThoy nee Poonseeker
were handfasted this last weekend
in the exalted Castle of Banff
The brutal -24 C weather did
nothing to dampen spirits of the event
which boasted a hosted bar. Dinner
included a mushroom soup which even the
formidable Ah-Pook would have done
himself a mischief over. Dancing
went well into the night, including such
ditties as Super Freak and a chicken
All present availed themselves to
the spa and hot springs and generally
abused the lap of luxury. There is
no doubt that when the dust settles, the
Castle will find the royal cellar
cleaned out of beverages, the beds
short-sheeted and the cutlery gone and
dreamily wonder when that mysterious
Clan from the south will visit again.
Brigid's Chili Feeds
St. Brigid was toasted in fine
style here in Queensland this
Saturday. Fiery chilis and succulent
cornbreads were devoured along
with many fine alcoholic
beverages. The family has grown by one
more, so now, along with Felina
Formaldehyde, we've added the
lovely, bouncy, and thoroughly
raunchy Malty Bev.
And so another year has passed
like so much gas after the chili
feed for everyone's favorite Reverend.
I, for one , would like to
wish her a Hop and Barley filled
birthday, and I hope she's having
one hell of a debauch whilst I'm
stuck at work, mere miles from the
Hope you gets yer spankin's,
Northern Reaches
Honored with visiting
Clan members, the feasting
when late into the night.
Siren's abode was packed to
capacity and the electrical
system pushed to its limits
by the plethora of crock
pots humming away in the
Hildegarde & Dirty Doris
regaled the gathered
with adventures beyond
the Northern Reaches.
Ding Ding
surprised everyone by
sneaking out a window to
escape her family and
entertain us for a few
Tidbits that came
up: Talk of Bandy
Legs' latest musical
endeavor not to mention
Octavius' work in that
arena, Hildegarde
getting published --
book due out soon, Owl's
impending book which is
in the final stages of
printing, Ding
Ding teaching us how to
speak Canadian, and that
stupid jazz festival
which will be
monopolizing too much of
Dirty Doris' attention.
There was much
fierce playing of
Towards the end of the
night, Killian Flynn
took command of the
table and in a
blistering flourish
drove off five
challengers only to be
vanquished by Dirty
In his final game,
the Laird Apparent set a
new record in upset
Tablero glasses all the
while battling
courageously but alas,
he was done. His
spirit was not broken
tho' and as he was
gurneyed home, he cried
out defiance to Doris.
The clan in Crepto
Matera decided to have a
crawfish boil instead of chili....
Fun was had by all. Beer was drank,
and 100 LBS of Crawfish were boiled
and eaten.
Tidbits 2/9/02
Gryph & Father Ben
celebrated their 2nd anniversary. And if memory
serves, Melusina & Chester just completed 8
successful years.
other dirt, Nimble
is loose in Bolivia having forsook the
Northern Reaches to catch some
rays. . .
spent a week in the
Galapagos on a boat, blue
footed boobies , sea lions,
snorkeling, etc.
now in La Paz 15000 ft above
sea level, just trying to walk and breath at the
same time. the camposinos are
demonstrating so a lot of the
roads are closed , but going
to try to see Lake Titicaca
Off to Carnival in Oruro,
back in the US of A. had
a great trip (one minor
inconvenience) will send
photos. all's well.
Machu Pichu was awesome,
Carnival in Oruro was a good
place for MacThoys to see how
to really do it!!!
start drinking fri. nite
while in a crowd of thousands,
playing drums and horn still
4am, up the next morning 8am
in full costume to dance and
play music in a parade that
lasts again till 4am sat., up
again at 8am to do it again,
all the while throwing and
dodging water balloons and
foam spray all at 13,000 ft.!
unfucking believable!
Report from Absentia
Been busy of late with
work, the band, a new
girlfriend, and getting asked
to drop the class I was taking
this quarter... shit-oh-dear
on the last one... rent has
been getting paid (somehow),
our phone and other utilities
haven't bee cut off (yet), and
I am now an Official (and
Legal) Reverend. That's
right... I can perform
marriages, funerals, and
absolve you of your sins. That
last one ought to scare a few
The Laird-in-Absentia
seems to have gotten a job as
doorman (and possibly tap
monkey, I think) at a downtown
Report from
the Northern Reaches
Beer o'clock saw a
visitation from one of the
MacThoy living on the borders
of the Northern Reaches, Sven
Octavius was there and
told of his adventures at the
most recent drag show.
Apparently Suuk Suuk Kevi &
She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed were
both in town for this event
and choose to shower all their
attention on Octavius.
The all too elusive
Dirty Doris arrived with
Siren. The
One also put in an
appearance. During a
debate over who has buying the
current round, a drunk at a
neighboring table decided to
get into it.
Killian (who can't
resist toying with a mark)
challenged the drunk and was
surprised to find his bluff
called in the form of an $11
shot of Scotch.
This evening's One was a
Clay Miner who rolled off $20 tips for the
bar wenches. The Clay Miner told his
woeful tale being unable to
acquire land for his operation
which would save the economy
of our region and perhaps pull
us out of this unpatriotic
recession but was waylaid by
those no good-nik
Pokedea departed when
Killian was quaffing his 3RD
$11 Scotch. He has no
idea how many more he drank
only that they kept coming.
Saturday night saw the
final production of the Vagina
Monologues. With Kali
Mari playing the role of the
Wizard behind the Curtain,
Ding Ding as one of the on
stage performers, and Maria
riding herd on the house, it
was a rousing success, selling
out its last two performances
and --we hope-- raising oodles
of money for various rape
prevention and alternatives to
violence organizations.
The cast party was held
at Falling Moon Tattoo in the
midst of Mardi Gras.
Killian & Pokedea discovered
Joe Fitch there. A
regular at the tat shop as his
epidermis will attest to,
Fitch was also once the
roommate of Pokedea & Moicha
Turpis. He was promptly
invited to May Revel.
Other notables in the crowd
were Carey Gibbar and
Christina visiting for the
weekend from P-land.
survives another year
Dirty Doris' held court
over yet another fabulous
B-day celebration. Held
out in Siren's marshlands
(complete with a wrecked boat
no less!), there was a
bonfire, burnt meat and plenty
to drink.
We reconvened at the Hot
L to resume celebrating her
B-day the following day.
And were honored with a rare
appearance from Ding-Ding and
the Fumitata.
4/28/02 Absentia reports:
The Laird Og turned another
year drunker as of Saturday
(4-27). His party the
proceeding night was a
no-bars-held boozathon. The
Laird almost had to be carried
to bed. Almost. As it was, he
could barely stand. A MacThoy
time was had by all.
On a side note, the cops
showed up to investigate a
noise complaint resulting from
said party two or three hours
after the bands had left and
the Laird had passed out.
Instead of breaking up a noisy
house party they wound up
talking to a VERY drunk, but
ever so polite, Raven. It was
a good evening.
the Northern Reaches:
The Great Tent Dusting & Beer
Drinking Festival & The
Scintillating What the Hell is
in the Storage Unit--Hey is
that a bottle of Rum? Caucus
Race is done.
Once again we marveled at all
the camping shit we own.
Killian, Dirty Doris & Pokedea
dusted & fluffed tents and
went through a goodly amount
of beverages.
The parachute camouflaging the
Luv Boat promises to be a
source of much merriment.
Gentle breeze shaped the
'chute like an enormous jelly
fish and bobbed it up
and down, once lifting the
awning with it.
Kali Mari ended up on
Free Speech Radio News as her
campus campaign continues.
She has now been misquoted in
five newspaper articles and
was identified as a member of
the Cultural Elite (whatever
that is.) She is now
shopping for a cape and
spandex to continue her
Pokedea was identified as a
victim of the Reduction In
Force (RIF) as the UI budget
cuts continue. Killian
Flynn received the dubious
honor of being tagged an
Un-Funded Obligation or UFO
(whatever that is.)
4/21/02 Kali Mari continues her
campaign on campus. The
predominance of her work is
getting more people to run for
student body office and
getting people out to vote.
Progress has already been
seen. She may have
instituted or reinstituted the
two party political system to
the university.
Chester reports from
Absentia of another protest
the World Trade Organization,
the war, and global
capitalism. Amidst
the protesters and police the
MacThoys were spotted
frolicking. Jezebel &
Cabbagehead made it on the
news playing hacky-sack.
5/11/02 Phase I of the
Poltroon Pasty Party was held
last night. Kali Mari
set things in motion by
beginning the food processing,
handed it off to Dirty Doris
who transported it to Killian
Killian, Maria, Siren, Doris,
Father Ben, Ding-Ding & Pokey
over saw the stewing process.
They even managed to lure
Duncan Donut & Bog Trollop out
of their home for a few
minutes only after Killian
bellared at them to come over.
5/5/02 Shevaun & Bandy
Legs visit the Northern
Reaches! They managed to
hit Falling Moon's 10 year
anniversary party and the Ren
Fair in one fall swoop.
We also saw Lee Ann in
her Superman costume, Rochelle
visiting from her Ivy League
I believe it's
fair to say that a rip roarin' time
was had by all.
She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed flew in
Thursday morning to Muscovia and
assisted in the day long flurry of
packing and keg collecting which
entailed pushing Siren's busted
Harley into its garage.
The Advance Force
departed Muscovia shortly after 6p
after collecting the Shrimp, kin of
Kali Mari, who promised to be a
volatile ingredient to the campout.
Thursday night
was spent in Capone's bar. We
crashed at Pokey's parentals' place.
At first light, Octavius and She
went to hunt and gather coffee only
to become thoroughly lost.
The rest of the
Advance Force pushed on to the
Celtic Revolt. Pokedea waited
for She & Octavius to stumble back to Capone's
and then went
to the Revolt.
The Clan met the
autocrat, fed her and won their way
into her girlish heart. As a
token of appreciation she sent
an enormous fire pit to our camp, in
her estimation, ours was far too
That evening,
Pokey & Dirty Doris drove to the
airport bearing G & Ts to get
Thorgrim & Moicha. Alas
the Imperatrix Mundi & Bushmaster
had been waylaid in Mormonia. Pokey & Doris returned to
camp where the Absentia
crew had got a roaring party
The Texans
arrived the next morning.
Moicha managed to stuff a
marshmallow and stick into Laird
Og's ear. There was much
singing and delight. Dirty
Doris passed the time flashing the
belly dancers while Gryph asked them
to do the splits.
Both Kegs
died in glorious combat. The Reverend O
secured a 3rd keg while collecting Shevaun & Chung Li, the Clan
Champion. This 3rd keg perished
shortly thereafter.
Diana the
Huntress, mother of Thorgrim won the
beer spearing competition. And
Gryphon took the Keg Toss title.
Another gent that Moicha drug in as
her champion won over all keg tossin' tho'.
Many a pointy hat
sat under our canopy and were taken
to school at the Tablero table by
Killian Flynn & Maria who taught
them there was more to combat than
boffer sticks. The pointy hats
later feted the MacThoys in their
own camp and praised them for the
hearty lessons.
conducted a census and determined 32
MacThoys and MockToys attended, a
new record. The Absentia crew
drove down to Muscovia and drinking
commenced anew.
Late on Tuesday
after much fussing, they finally
departed for the Emerald City with Cthulu sporting new tires and Bandy
Legs exhausted from the cat herding
to get them out of town at a decent

Killian and Maria Move
Great thanks go out to Duck and Doris who helped us move all the big heavy akward shit last night. They deserve special thanks.
Octavious was gracious enough to move boxes a 2nd time and even pulled one of his friends into the moving adventure last night.
And last but not least Siren and Poke who helped get the last loads done in the rain.
WOOO Hoooo
Reaches at
the Combine Demolition Derby
The Northern
Reaches had a
busy weekend.
Maria, Kali
Mari &
Octavius drove
out to Lind to
see the famous
Dirty Doris,
Ted & Andrea
were to meet
them there but
they never
hooked up.
of the unusual
fare of Coors,
Coors & Coors
to drink there
was also a
And as fate
would have it
the brew
meister was
directly in
from of
Pokey, Kali
Mari &
The Clan quickly endeared
themselves to fellow, got a
business card & an invite to
their September Oktoberfest
which the Clan plans to
attend. And as luck
would have it, it was their
Combine that won the Derby.
And then on Sunday we had a
hair cutting party for
Ding-Ding who was forced to
shave her head this week due
to the chemo (which was also
was she was regretfully unable
to attend the revel).
Octavius &
Killian Flynn
let Ding-Ding
shear their
Kali Mari &
Maria attended
for moral
Dirty Doris
was expected
but alas she &
the Siren were
elsewhere to
officiate over
a daiquiri in
the rain
Also, Sessidi reports
success in her stealth
campaign to get elected
supreme ruler of a local
religious organization, no
doubt to hone her skills at
fomenting mischief.
Reaches Inaugurates Summer
Summer was
opened today
with the Clan
first trip to
the Dunes.
The road over
the dam was
closed forcing
them to take a
roundabout way
doubling the
length of the
trip. In attendance
were Octavius,
Pokedea, Dirty
Doris & the
Killian Flynn
& Maria
thought it
would be
amusing to
spend the
climbing a
tall mountain.
Sessidi reports
that she is currently in
Cabbagehead is visiting the
Northern Reaches for the
Weekend before journeying on
towards Queensland to visit
Jake. Rabi is also
expected to visit.
New Gallery
in Muscovia
Toga Mark MockToy has
opened the White Trash Art
Gallery in Muscovia this
weekend. Kali Mari &
Oscar have donated works of
art for the show.
Due to the title of the
Gallery, Kali decided to make
some art specific to the
Gallery itself. To this
end, she went out and bought
some of the cheapest & most
wretched beer available &
based solely on its color
scheme. Then she invited
her friends over to empty the
cans. Killian & Pokedea
(enjoying their
new hair dos)
found much delight in empty
the cans, shouting "Oy!" and
throwing them at Kali Mari to
add to her collection.
That hard work out of the
way, Kali Mari chopped them
up, punched holes in them and
sewed them together with yarn.
In the end she had a lovely
red, white & blue lap quilt.
Reaches BBQs move
Dirty Doris has
officially relocated the
summer BBQs.
other moves,
has announced
that he is
moving to
Delaware this
Invade Merry
Olde England
The MacThoy
invasion of England
proper begins.
With Hildegard already
setting up a successful
base camp in Scotland.
She is going to be
operation out of Suffolk
and invites all the Clan
to visit. |
invades Oz, Again
I came, I saw,
I drank, and worked my
ass off. Sorry I didn't
post, but do you know
how hard it is to find
internet access in the
wilderness? Kakadu &
Darwin are awesome!
200,000 people live in
the Northern Territory. |
100,000 of them live in
Darwin. NT is about 1/6 of OZ.
It is 1.35 million km2 which
is equal to the combined areas
of France, Spain and Italy. It
is closer to Asia than Sydney.
People of over 53
nationalities live in Darwin
(in the Top End- think of
Idaho attitude (independent,
outdoors) but progressive. I
felt at home- heaps of
MacThoys that don't know that
they are. Met great people and
had fantastic experiences. I
will be going back...Plus,
snorkeled the Great Barrier
Reef... I have to say that
it's a hard life.
Camping at
Buffalo Eddy
Kali Mari
& Maria report a successfully
and thoroughly sun burnt visit
to the River. The Siren
& Dirty Doris have spent the
weekend visiting Blasé.
descends on
West War
Well .. the event was good for the most part. It was over 100
degrees for about 6 hours on saturday (broke 100 at 11am). There
was shade, but not a whole lot of breeze. Needless to say, I
consumed more water than I thought my body could hold, but never
once made a biffy run until some time after dinner.
I played
one game of
against a
member of my
other now
about a month
ago), and
found out that
he lives here
in Salem. I
lost, but only
by about half
a shot. I
think its
because I was
filling more
full than him
In honor of the Clan, I
sang one round of Swing Low,
and every tablero toast was Up
And in a
rather belated item,
Chester has completed
his studies and is now a
certified mixologist.
He has
already responded to
multiple questions on
the discussion board
regarding potent
concoctions. |
Max Gash
is in the
Fresh from
college, he
will stay in
the area for a
month before
proceeding on
to Penn State
and the
Thermo-Nuclear Equilibrium
A new word
Kali Mari had to toss out at
the BBQ last night.
Ding-Ding stopped in for a
visit. She just
completed treatment #8 and has
7 more to go to finish her
Chemo. She is in fine
spirits and still bicycling to
work everyday.
had much to report, being
knee-deep in the City
Council's plans to outlaw
breasts. It looks
like the nudity code will go
through. He has been
putting on suit & tie and
attending the Council meeting.
Last week, he submitted a 4
page report on why the whole
thing was idiotic. He
was phoned by one of the
Council members and has
chatted with the City DA.
Octavius says he's delighted
to finally find a political
cause he can be behind.
Liquorbox ends
It is with sadness that
the Clan received word of the
passing of Liquorbox.
Raven writes:
Liquorbox is dead. Long
Live Rodeo Sex, its new
Mango Kevi
It should be an
interesting event, the site is
on a lake. They have a dock,
with two or three ships that
are used in battle scenarios.
I'll take my camera and see if
I actually remember to take
some pictures with it. The
film has been in there for
almost 2 years, so I don't
have a clue whats on it hehe.
I only played
one game of Tablero. I
lost, but not by much.
We were playing with
home made hard cider, it
was tasty, I was blotto.
The really interesting
thing is, all 3 lines
that game were chevrons,
all three in the same
Also, I rolled 6 9's in
a row. Along with my beer,
also was forgotten my camera
bag and my belt pouch.
However, someone else I was
camped with had a digicam, and
took some snapshots.
She is
in a
week. |
Mango Kevi
Dragon's Down
Although we got a late
start out, we made it to the
event before dark.
I had the joy of being the
designated drinker for an
underage tablero participant
Sunday was
awesome. I never
realized how much fun
packup day can be if you
don't have to drive. We
started Tablero Sunday
morning at about 10:30.
I won the first game
handily, skunking my
opponent (got the first
line in 2 rolls).
The next
challenger was
allergic to
hops, so we
played with
hard cider. Oh
lordy by the
time that game
was done, I
was gone. I
won that one
as well.
I had 6 beers left at
this point, so I anted for
myself and one more person,
for a game of Tablero-and-a-half
(3 soldiers each). I lost that
game, but only by 1/2 a beer.
Considering it was my 3rd game
that morning, and he wasn't
drunk at all, I don't feel too
bad about it. Besides, if
you're totally blotto, did you
really lose?
Anywho . . . I finally
made if back here to Salem at
11:45pm. I get to work at 6am
in the morning W00T!
Reverend O's
Gallery Show
& the Rolling
We went for distance
this time, traveling deep into
the Northern Reaches to reach
Siren's secret lair in the
Northern Beaches. And
secret it was! I doubt
NORAD can see this place.
Attendees: Killian
Flynn, Maria, Oscar, Dirty
Doris, the Siren, Pokedea,
Mud, Reverend O & her MockToy,
& Kali Mari, as well as two
MockToys the Siren invited up
who were loitering at the
Reverend's Gallery Opening.
Pokedea probably had no
business driving the Luv Boat
down the goat path which led
to the Siren's but the Siren &
Dirty Doris had gone to a
great deal of trouble to make
it a goat path which could
accommodate the Rubenesque
dimensions of the Luv Boat.
This trip included crossing
rickety planks which were
passing for a "bridge" and
were much more durable then
they initially appeared.
They set up camp, and
piled into Eeyore to attend
the Gallery Show and catch up
with the rest of the Clan.
There was a brief stop at the
local store for showers, and a
change of clothes before
(Imagine if you will,
locals looking on as an
unremarkable little Eeyore
pick up truck bounces in, and
decants several dusty
MacThoys. They adjourn
to the showers, reemerge
turned out like the Mod Squad,
reboard the truck again and
bounce off down the road.)
The reception was a
great success for the Reverend
though the adjoining
restaurant did try to
dehydrate the Clan.
Doris busted some ass on the
help, got us drinkies and free
sushi to boot! Huzza!
Killian took his crew on
up to the Siren's Lair.
We followed shortly there
after with the Reverend
in tow. It was to be a
more leisurely drive, until
Siren realized that she'd left
the kerosene and the matches
sitting next to the tequila.
Then it was a mad dash up the
hill to save the Clan from
Tablero matches were
promptly set up. Maria
tried to give Killian a
concussion with a tent and
Oscar took Kali Mari back to
school at the tablero table.
Mimosa flowed all
morning while breakfast was
prepared and served promptly
at noon. Doris set to
the martini fixings then.
The first toast went to the
Laird Og & Ah-pook.
Siren conducted tours of
the various artifacts
littering the site including
trip cross country through
shrubbery and repelling down a
steep cliff face to the creek.
People began dropping
shortly there after.
Killian, Kali Mari & Pokedea
bailed out around 6p with the
rest of the Clan staying on.
Doris reports more
drinking followed by swimming
and returning to Muscovia
around 4a Monday morning.
Well, Here's highlights
I've been able to glean from
People so far.
has begun his invasion
of Europe. No word
on when he will return
to our shores.
Cabbagehead has settled
in quite nicely into the
land South of
Queensland. His
dame reports that he is
tending bar at a very
swanky club.
has landed safely in
Merry Olde England
where'll she'll be
updating its strict
teaching format.
Ding-ding's got one
more Chemo treatment!
Little Dustino took a
break from fighting
forest fires to visit
both the Northern
Reaches & Absentia.
Doris has been promoted
to supervisor!
Quake with fear, tiny
Killian Flynn &
Whimsy combined forces
for a huge B-day
Bon Voyage Party
Good Lord help us all. Dirty Doris & Pokedea
arrived in Absentia and
promptly went the Boys' Hut in
Central where they found the
cupboards bare.
Fortunately, they had warm
beer in Snoopy (the car) and
discovered mugs in the
Raven rolled in shortly
there after with his lady
companion, Nessa & her new
bunny. Doris & Pokey
were disappointed to learn
that the bunny wasn't supper
but a pet.
Their host rustled up
more drinks and sank into a
chair just as the phone rang.
It was She wondering where the
hell they were.
Beverages were quaffed
and the crew (sans Nessa &
bunny both being not aged
enough to enter public houses)
boarded Cthulu (the van) with
its screaming power steering
belt to begin their journey.
A stop on Capitol Hill
to collect Chester and they
were off to the U-District and
the Emigrant. She's
party was already in full
swing when they arrived.
Octavius' friend, Aaron,
was also there. She's father
entertained with the two song
lyrics he knew and was quite
taken with the MacThoys.
Several hours later, his
wife had decided he was done
for the night, and with much
difficulty herded him out the
door. Pokey looked up a
few minutes later to see him
sitting down the table
drinking yet another snake
bite. He'd escaped his
wife on the pretext of going
to the loo and then snuck back
up stairs.
Dirty Doris & Chester
were unwitting accomplices as
they had encountered him in
the bathroom and then met the
wife outside the gents.
She asked if he was still in
there and Doris pointed out
the front door and said, "He
went thatta way!" She
gasped in horror and ran
outside. Then it
occurred to Doris that he'd
probably gone back up stairs.
It was around this time
that a decision was made to
kidnap She from her own party.
They also took Aaron for good
measure, gave some hoodlums a
jump start and drove the back
roads to Capitol Hill.
A beer stop was made.
Chthulu smashed into a
shopping cart which smashed
into a car which was occupied
by a couple of crack dealers.
Raven & Chester engaged in
Emerald City peace
Doris &
She found a dumpster to use as
a biffy. The Clan
stepped out the elevator and
into the supermarket and
realized that they had lost
She. Chester &
Doris stepped back into the
elevator to find She.
The doors closed and they were
forced to reckon with the fact
that they had no idea which
floor they'd left her on.
Pokey, Raven & Aaron hunted
and gathered. By the
time they returned to Chthulu,
She, Doris & Chester were
waiting for them. Thus
ended the beer stop.
They collected Melusina
at her place of employment and
left the Hill for Shorty's Bar where Laird Og is
employed. She was almost
lost again as she headed for
the Lava Lounge, an imitation tiki bar.
Inside Shorty's was the
Laird, the Reverend O & Lois,
a MockToy from the Reverend's
Gallery opening whom Siren had
invited to the Rolling
Blackouts. The Clan
closed Shorty's no thanks to
the heinous bitch tending bar
who was snatching drinks out
of hands at 1a.
The Rev, Chester, Mel, &
Lois said their good-byes and
Doris, She, Aaron, Pokey &
Raven returned to Central to
await the Laird while he
finished closing.
At the home fort, Raven
& She set to playing tablero.
Doris & Pokey crashed in the
guest bedroom on a bed several
thousand feet off the floor.
(It wasn't until morning that
they discovered it was the
width of a good sized plank.
To this day, they have no idea
how they both slept on
it--quite comfortably too!)
The others were joined
by the Laird and continued on
until 6a when a brief
intermission was declared.
Doris & Pokey were back up
drinking by 10a (which wasn't
hard, having had an extra
couple of hours of sleep.)
By 1130 everyone was up
and off to IHOP for breaky
with Shevaun & Chung Li.
After food the Clan split up.
Doris & Pokey ran
into Chester & Melusina
who had hooked up the Fumitata Horrbilus, Jezebel &
Dustino. (The latter
three being far too fatigued
to join their fellow Clan
members last night.)
They were accompanied by
Tina the Sax player and her
girlfriend who were concluding
their move to Portland.
So after much hugging,
laughing and "Where the hell
were you last night?"
The group moved on their
separate ways with Doris &
Pokey returning to the
Northern Reaches.
September Crown
A small contingent of
MacThoys descended on
September Crown over the Labor
Day Weekend. Pokedea &
Octavius with Octavius'
companion, Pancho Velveta
drove to Absentia from the
Northern Reaches.
They arrived around 1a,
set up camp--they almost set
up around a girl scout troop
thinking it was Raven's tent
but discovered their mistake
soon enough. Raven
joined them at 3a after a
Rodeo Sex show with Nessa but
sans Laird. His
lairdship being far too
occupied to hang with his
Nessa stayed the night
then returned to the city for
family obligations & Raven
returned a few hours later
with Gryphon.
A good time was had, the
Captain Morgan was in
attendance, even Stuart
formerly of the McGurns was
reports from Merry England
dears, thanks for all the
lovely notes and emails, I
appreciate them. I can only do
this once a month or so
because its either a quid for
15 min at the only IT cafe in
Norwich or wait for a half
hour for someone at the
library to get up off the free
Well, things are
well. I moved in to my own place
this morning so that is much better.
My back was starting to really hurt
sleeping on the floor for the past
few weeks. My flat is very nice and
there is a pound meter for
electricity so I have to make sure
to put a few quid in once a week or
no hot water for me!
Classes started
last Thur. I have 10 and I have only
met a couple of them. The schedule
is on a fortnight basis and next
week will be week two so I will meet
the kids. My dept. head is socially
inept (sp?) and has claimed me as
his project and also said that the
storage room needed a woman's touch, I
know, I should have told him where
he could take his sorry woman's touch
ass, but I am new and he is my boss
and lets burn some bridges once I am
more confident about the goings
I am slowly
trying to put myself out there and
meet some people because knowing
only one person really well does not
work very well. So I went to the
library and found a class on Philo.
thought it was interesting and gave
them a call..its run by
quakers..some outlandish ones and
seems a bit cultish for me so I dont
think I will be partaking in that,
thank you very much.
Haz-Mat Team
Flynn, Maria, Ding-ding &
Pokedea assisted Kali Mari in
her cross village move last
weekend. Ding-ding
Pursuant to
Kali Mari's move to Chez
Primavera (now Casa PrimaDona)
last Sunday, the Macthoy
HazMat team performed miracles
at said household. Apparently,
hordes of slovenly beasties
had been nesting at C.P., and
their detritus was legion.
With about three (?) hours of
SOLID work (& really quick
beer breaks), a tragic, weird
space was turned into a very
habitable location. K.M.
herself cheered up
considerably once her room was
discovered under the chaos.
Next task: the garden!
Planning commences once we
reach a conclusion on the
major question: RoundUp or
Ding-ding's BBQ
Friday 9/7,
saw the celebration of
Ding-ding's completion of her
chemo. Dirty Doris was
unable to attend due to work
obligations but she did erect
a canopy in the back yard to
allow festivities to continue
through the night unmolested
by the drizzling rain.
Siren oversaw the event with
Pokedea, Killian, Maria, Kali
Mari and BJ & his family in
Happy B-Day to
Cabbagehead! Happy B-Day
to Thorgrim!
Kali Mari visited the
Emerald City during October
and was able to check out an
anti-war rally complete with
cops in riot gear--which she
says is much more frightening
in person than on TV.
Sessidi is currently
reinvading the Land Down
Under. Seems that she
can't get enough of it.
informs me that Moicha Turpis
is currently laying waste to
Switzerland with plans to move
on to Octoberfest by the
Saucer, New Cup!
Prompted by
Kali Mari's move to Chez
Primadona, Absentians have
decided to start their own
version of musical chairs.
Shevaun is relocating to
another part of the Emerald
City and the Laird & the Boys
of Absentia have found new digs.
Texas Ren Fair
Moicha Turpis & Thorgrim
flew Pokedea down to the
Southern Wastes for a bender
at the Texas Ren Fair and a
quick visit to NASA.
She Reports from Merry England
AHOY fellow clanspeople UP
YOURS from afar!
Things are going really well,
I have been hanging out with
more people and made some
friends. Unfortunately one
really good one is moving away
soon, but that is the way it
goes. I had a lovely bday and
pulled a few boys...wait maybe
that is why i am in a good
Though the one that took me
out for my bday some of you
know, Tim, was rather sweet.
Don't worry, after being in
one of those serious
relationship things, I have
decided to date everyone I
can. I can not be bothered
with seriousness, I have
enough of that at work and
with life. So I am hanging out
with Tim often and one guy
gave me his number, rather
drunk but I thought that was
cute, I have never received a
# before, another called me
and I may see him this
weekend...sigh...for all you
feminists, no, men are not the
only things in life, but they
do make it nicer, or at least
me nicer
Work is very hectic, I have a
pile of course work and a exc.
books to grade but it is
easier then before. I am
starting to get concerned
about my future though, it is
looking like I may not have a
job after April, but I am
working on that.
I am doing a bit of traveling,
but mostly trying to save £
for the big new year trip to
Edinburgh, I am looking
forward to that and kim is
coming along as well
take care all of you and I
hope to hear from you soon
The Laird & the Boys in
Absentia had a house warming
to inaugurate their new digs.
Cabbagehead and Jake reported
making a whirlwind tour of the
Northern Reaches & Absentia
before driving back to
Queensland. Shevaun was
the only one lucky enough to
spot them. Cabbagehead
reports enjoying the east
coast and working at a swanky
Carl & Lori Ann had
their first child in the final
weeks of October and Lee Ann &
Bob are expecting their first
in February.
Gryph launched a one
bear invasion on Washington
Kali Mari had a
particularly joyous B-Day at
Chez PrimaDona.
The Boys in Absentia
changed their band name again.
As of 11/19/02 it's Crash Box.
Ah-pook had his first
gallery show at his fav
watering hole, the Wild
Colonial. He sold a
piece opening night too!
Groovella Graduates
it's been a long time
coming but Groovella/
Octavius finally
commenced. Pancho
Velvetta, Killian, Maria
& Pokedea saw him there
so it really happened! Groovy beamed like the
proverbial cat who ate the
canary. He nodded in
acknowledgement to the
thousands watching him.
The best part was when
he ran the gauntlet of
professors. They greeted him
most warmly, doing their best
to cover up their surprise.
I think one of them started
Bootchucker vs the Taurus
I had just
gotten Cthulhu out of the shop
(new gas tank/brakes/power
steering pump... no more
hideous squeal...) and I
happened to run out of gas on
Bad place
to be fuel less, no doubt...
So I runs up the
hill with a gas can in hand, fills
it and returns to said van. As I'm
depositing fuel from said gas can
into said new gas tank, I find
myself thrown against my van. I
notice that the gas can has been
thrown from my hand, and while I'm
looking for it I notice a car's side
rearview mirror lying at my feet.
I look up and see
the car that had been in possession
of this exact mirror until mere
moments before speeding off down the
street. Being the kind, considerate
Bootchucker that I am, I figured
that the poor, mirrorless car might
want its mirror back.
So I threw it
through their rear window as they
were trying to get away.
Hit and run me my
ass, motherfucker...
Thankfully there
is beer, sweet beer.
I want drugs.