



Cast our caps and cares away, This is beggars’ holiday. At the crowning of our king, Thus we ever dance and sing. In the world look out and see,
Where so happy a prince as we? Where the nation live so free, And so merry as do we?–John Fletcher


Calendar 2005

  MacThoy Invasion
January January 1st Daft Day 
January  10th-- Sessidi & Oscar's B-day
January 19th--SumoThong Butt Thunder's B-day
February St Brigit's
Chili Feed

Feb 17th
February  28th-- Paladin's B-day

St Patrick's Day
March 17th
"'Cause y'know, there's no better way to celebrate the death of snakes than to get really drunk," Melusina, Clan Bo'sun.   
Infernal Equinox
March 12th - March 20th
Easter Beer Hunt

March 26 & 27

March 5th-- Mud's B-day
March 15th-- Siren's B-day
March 19th-- Shevaun's B-day
March 24th-- Halpo Van Rabid's B-day
April April 1st All Fool's Day
April 11th- Dirty Doris' B-day
April 27th-- Laird Og's B-day

Beltaine History
May 28 - 31st May Revel
May 13th-- Vandal's B-day
May 19th-- Bandy Legs' B-day
May 21st--Ding-ding's B-day
May 23rd-- Moicha Turpis' B-day
May 30th-- Laura the Whee's B-day

Drinking Day
June 4th-- Flavor Rite's B-day
June 10th--Ah-Pook's B-day
July July 22nd-- Duck's B-day


Brew ha-ha
Rolling Blackouts

Ah-pook's Martini Breakfast

August 16th--- Gryph's B-day
August 20th-- Killian Flynn's B-day
August 22nd-- Owl's B-day
September Labour Day Weekend
September 9th --Chachi Poonawnee's B-day
September 12th -- Pokey's B-day
September 28th --Melusina's B-day
October Dia de
Los Muthahs
October 31st
October 2nd-- Lady Livid
October 4th-- Father Ben's B-day
October 12th-- CabbageHead's B-day
October 14th-- Maria's B-day
October 16th-- Thorgrim's B-day
October 24th-- Foinah's B-day
November The Great Turkey Feed
November 1st-- Kali Mari's B-day
November 10th-- She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed's B-day
November 11th-- Shark Bait Oo Ha Ha's B-day
November 27th-- MangoKevi's B-day
December December 5th Prohibition is Repealed
All Fool's Feast
(Longest Drinking Night)


Solstice on
the Mountain
December 22nd--Groovella's B-day

Last modified: May 24, 2011

Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
All Rights Reserved.