Subtile queanes, they
are hard-harted, light- fingerd, cunning in dissembling, &
dangerous to be met. They fear neither God nor good
lawes, but onely are kept in aw by the Vpright-men, who often
spoyle them of all they haue.
--Dekker's Belman of London 1608
Widows serve a pivotal role in the functioning of the
Clan. And in days gone by have made crucial decisions
involving the survival of the Clan. They often met in
the form of Widows Circles to discuss Clan business.

Artist's depiction of the Widow's Circle, where Clan
matters were discussed.--ed |
with Widows Circles there were smaller collectives
described as Widows Sewing Circles formed by like minded women as protection.
women would swear to anything to save each other from
the authorities and collected a fund to serve as
an allowance for fellow members who found themselves
to its existence is found in the biography of Madge