Namely, the striking. MacThoy
Bachelor Parties are a free-for-all. The casual observer
will mark the good-natured
pushing, shoving, and slapping with much mock-nelliness.

To those in-the-know, the nelliness is real.
pushing and shoving is due to the constant
drunkenness of the men. The fight was very
well for someone's life.
MacThoy widows
have endured--even to this day--a reputation for offing spouses.
And despite their reputations there was queue of men willing
to risk matrimony and their very lives to see if the rest of the
widow's rep was true.
Thus these melees would erupt with the
betrothed fighting to stay alive against thwarted suitors.
(It is interesting to note that if
the groom failed to survive the night, his successor was dubbed
the Best Man a term which has survived in modern ceremonies but
with albeit different tenor.--ed.)
As most people know, the Brawl has been taken into
just about every culture in the world where men
meet in groups with alcohol and where women still
have to chase them down in order to consummate the
marriage-widowing contract.
These days, the
MacThoi have taken what used to be an outside-in
view of the Brawl and made it the reality. That
is, it is USUALLY a good-natured drunken affair.
The nelliness is still real, though.
Remnants of this event may be found in
the MacThoy Games with the sport of
--details supplied by Gryph, Head Bear at the
Fortress of the Armored Bear.