wheelbarrow became such a vital
part of courting that young men would
build their own or in traditional
manner, beg, borrow, or steal one.
Obviously stealing one wasn't
the best decision. When
the time came to use the barrow the
thief might come to find that it had
been reclaimed by the owner and
considerable embarrassment would
Often times the barrow would be
dressed out in ribbons or have a
blanket in it. |

We find no plague
like being deprived of dear womankind.
If at
the conclusion of the evening, his companion was too inebriated to
walk home without spilling her drink, he would convey her in
the barrow.
Skill at transporting both
Widow & Drink home without spilling either, tripled a suitor's worth in the eyes of the Clan.
Rituals Continue. . .