Lona Campbell
1900 A.D. - 1972 A.D.

Anthropologist, wife of Ebervold MacThoy.

An established researcher & professor at the time she met & married Ebervold MacThoy in London when she was well on her way to establishing her reputation as a premiere investigator.



She gave up work at the university to pursue digging full time but ultimately all her time would be spent at the MacThoy Site until it flooded in 1946. She was instrumental in recovery work at the MacThoy Keep.

Detractors of her research often claimed she let her heart lead her away from what might have been a successful professional career to join her husband on a fools errand.  Campbell never agreed with that sentiment and wasted no time when it was necessary to correct a fellow scholar on this inaccuracy.

Campbell returned to teaching and continued field work until late in life.  She took two years off to care of MacThoy when he came down with a liver aliment.

She lived on until 1972 and was a guiding force in Clan MacThoy until the day of her passing.

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Clan MacThoy's webpage is a production of the
Northwest Hellcats & Love is a Dog from Hell.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The Northwest Hellcats
Created: May 9, 2001
Last modified: September 12, 2006